Thursday, October 31, 2019

Managerial Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managerial Economics - Assignment Example The firm would be worse off, if it produced in the short run because the total loss that the firm will incur in this case is 380 AED (120-500). It is prudent if the firm shuts down and saves 200 AED rather than losing 380 AED in the short run. At the point where the firm produces 30 units and sells each unit at 4 AED, MRC (marginal revenue cost) is less than AVC (average variable cost). Assuming that Coke has already attained the monopoly status such that Coke is a monopolist, Coke actively engages itself in price discrimination because it has price setting power (Carbaugh). Given that there is a difference in price elasticity of demand for Coke in various regions, the company varies its price and extracts consumer surplus, which leads to additional revenue and profit. Coke discriminates on price by selling its product to distributors at different prices. For instance, the price of the same can of Coke in Seattle is higher than it is in Sidney. Separately, consumers from the UK purchase Coke at a higher price, compared to consumers from other countries within the continent. When Coke is able to separate the markets, it makes profits denoted by area MC, P, X, Y + MC1, P1, X1, Y1. The price charged when Coke separates the market will be P while output Q will be produced in a relatively elastic sub-market. Coke will charge a lower price in a relatively inelastic sub-m arket (P1). When duopolists, Etisalat and Du form a cartel between themselves, the firms would want to maximize their joint profits by producing a smaller quantity and charging higher prices. The optimal total industrial output selected by Etisalat and Du would be the monopoly quantity (Agarwala). It would be agreed that Etisalat and Du contribute in production of the agreed quantity and then share the profit between them equally. Consequently, the price and output in the market will be affected in that the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Time to Kill Essay Example for Free

A Time to Kill Essay A young black girl is walking down on a road on her way home from the store. Two white males in a truck drive up slowly behind her back and aggressively pick up the girl and rape her. She is found almost dead and rushed to the hospital. The two rapist was arrested and bring in to jail. On the way to the hearing right outside the courtroom, the father of the black girl steps out and fires 3 shot which killed the 2 suspects. The father was arrested and put into jail. The town is split into two sides. One side understands Carl because a lot of fathers would have done same thing in his situation, but on the othere side that contained most of the town people want him to be punished in the gas chamber. Jake Brigance, a young and idealistic, inexperience white lawyer is hired by a murderer, of the two rapist, who raped her daughter. Brigance an easy going liberal white lawyer in town, whose client always leaves without payment. Carl Lee Hailey, a black, charged of two counts of murder in the first degree, trapped in a judicial system that is greatly swayed by the racism of the world beyond. Jake Brigance as lead council, one of the few white southerners was given the impossible task proving that Mr. Hailey, innocent. Impossible, because of a mostly white county, and for a reason of win-at-all cost prosecutor, the racism and hypocrisy of the Mississippi citizens and judicial system. He intends to defend the accused with a plea of not guilty by insanity, trying to convince the jurors that Carl Lee had a momentary lapse in sanity after the rape incident. Jake Brigance becomes Hailey’s lawyer and realizes how complicated it is to deal with such a famous client. Jake and his wife, Carla are at first excited at first about seeking Jake on the news so much during pre-trial happenings. The excitement quickly ends. He has to fight against the District Attorney who wants to use this sensational issue to make him become famous. The case got national attention and a lot of different organizations get involved. Situation starts a lot of commotion with in the community, people who are against Jake defending Carl try to disappoint and hurt him and his family. In order to secure the welfare of his family they have to leave town. The trial begins amid much attention to the media and residents of the county- specifically the large black population. The highlight is when 2 psychologists on the defendant side and one on another. It was a big point for his client. He never gives up on Carl Lee’s case even if his life is at stake until the time came the final verdict. The courthouse is packed to see the attorneys’ closing speeches. Carl Lee comes out on the courtroom a free man. Jake Brigance is a person who wants change the judicial system, no matter what your race and what is the color of your skin justice should prevail. A father who wants to protect and seek justice for her daughter is a part of every human, that’s what Jake had felt so he accepted this case even if his client is black. In the final argument in the court which Jake’s character also believe that anybody who’s on his position would do exactly what his dealing. He believes that justice taking its natural place on earth. Jake feels compelled to take the case out of his conscience and guiltiness over an action he may have been able to stop, the shooting of the two white suspects. Jake a defender of the downtrodden, and despite to defend his client by any means possible, the fact that he knows that Carl Lee’s actions were premeditated is troubling for his character’s integrity. He believes that no matter how much the world tries to say they celebrate their diversity or look past the differences, you have to look no farther than a small county to see its truth. Jake and Carl became a good friend true and without prejudice.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Theories of Growth, Loss and Stress

Theories of Growth, Loss and Stress Theories are used to explain the characteristics and circumstances of individual. Theories look at human growth and development; managing loss and change; managing stress and behaviour Psychoanalytical Theory This approach looks at the underlying unconscious processes in individuals. Ideas developed by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud he stated the belief that the child is born with basic animal instincts that operate at the unconscious level of thought. These instincts require immediate gratification. Development depends in part on transforming these animal needs into socially acceptable, rational behaviour. The range of potential behaviour is very broad at birth and then becomes increasingly reduced in scope, fixed in form and shaped to conform to social norms (Boundless, 2017). Eriksons Psychosocial Theory Eriksons theory is based on the psychoanalytic approach to human development, founded by Sigmund Freud. Erikson believed that the process of socializing the child into a given culture occurs as the person passes through eight innately determined, sequential stages. Although he recognized the individuals instinctual drives, Erikson emphasized the childs interaction with the environment (Erikson, 1959). For Erikson, the events of later childhood can undo the personality foundations built earlier in life (Boundless, 2017). Behaviourist theory This is used to describe human behaviour. The concept is that all human behaviour can be understood as a result of learning. There are two types of learning; Classical conditioning; inducing a natural reflex response to a stimulus and Operant conditioning: using reward and punishment to modify behaviour (McLeod, 2017).   Behaviourism helps to modify behaviour by using operant conditioning. E.g. if a client does something wrong, they should be told of so that they do not repeat their wrong doings. At the same time we offer some rewards for good behaviour to reinforce those behaviours. Humanistic Theory This theory tries to understand human development according to how the self develops. Sense of self in terms of self-concepts, and self-esteem is developed right from childhood. Self-concept is about how we see, tall, brown-eyed, skills and competences, being kind, shy outgoing, lively, thoughtful, honest etc., fire fighter, doctor, brother sister etc. Self-esteem refers to how we fell about ourselves. How much value we give to ourselves and how lovable and likeable we believe ourselves to be. The self-esteem can be shattered depending on how individuals are treated. If discriminated against, ridiculed, neglected criticised, individuals will develop a low self-esteem (AQA,2017). Nature This account of behaviour and personality development focuses on what we are born with. This include characteristics like Left-handedness, intelligence, susceptibility to certain illnesses, temperament (shy, withdrawn, or outgoing and confident). Nurture Refers to all that happens within the environment. It involves the way someone is brought up and the way they are treated by parents, teachers and peers. All these influence behaviour and development and goes towards building a personality.Piagets Cognitive-Developmental Theory Cognitive theory: is involved with aspects on an individuals cognitive processes that are involved with learning, thinking, knowing about, reflecting on, and understanding the world. It involves the study of our thinking, memory, intelligence, perception, problem solving and reasoning. Piaget described that in different stages of a person life they would develop skills in reasoning and comprehension. The stages he compiled are as follows (Learning-theories, 2017); a. Sensorimotor development (0-2 years). As an infant the person exercises rudimentary sensory (seeing touch, hearing, tasting, smelling) and motor (kicking, punching, moving around, hitting objects) awareness and functions almost exclusively by means of reflexive responses. The child cannot think abstractly. b. Preoperational thought (2-7 years). The person is now a child and demonstrates an increase in language abilities and concepts become more elaborate. However, the child can only view the world from its own perspective. Their intellectual state is immature. c. Concrete operations (7-11 years). As an older child the ability to consider the viewpoints of others and understand relational concepts is evident. However, the child cannot will struggle to solve problems of an abstract nature (, 2017). d. Formal operations (11-15). Now an adolescent the person is able to demonstrate abstract thinking and scientific problem-solving strategies emerge. This theory informs health and social care professionals to understand the level of thinking of individuals with learning difficulties who may have a lower mental age   in relation to their physical aid. Appropriate communication techniques are required to reach out to them. Managing loss and change Change management is a basic skill in which most leaders and managers need to be competent. This theory looks at the basic principles of change management, and how to apply them People react differently to change when it occurs because of differences in our personality and our inner conflicts as proposed by Erikson in his theory of psychosocial development. Change often involves a loss, and people go through the loss curve. Expectations need to be managed realistically. Fears have to be dealt with by giving people honest information and also to be opened about the facts (North West NHS Academy, 2017). Avoid speculation and meet their unrealistic expectations. Major changes in our lives may have a positive impact depending on the ways of coping. On the other hand, major change in our lives can lead to stress and loss of self-confidence depending on our abilities to cope with them. Managing stress and behaviour From the biological point of view, stress causes the release of adrenalin and noradrenalin and cortisol (hormones). Adrenalin and noradrenalin make us feel agitated and uncomfortable, while prolonged secretion of cortisol is associated with depression. However 2 people can be exposed to the same stressful event and react differently. This can be explained by the cognitive approach. For example if a negative event happens, the stress response if mild for someone whose thoughts are along the lines of positive thinking. For example if they think it is an opportunity or a challenge, rather than a threat. The stress response will be severe for someone who thinks that this is the end of the line (Schneiderman et Al, 2017). Choice and Interaction This focus on the belief that people can take control of their own lives base on the choices they make. Nonetheless, others believe that everything in life is fixed by nature and nurture. In most cases, people believe that human life course involves an interaction of nature, nurture and the decisions and choices we make. For instance, if performing prayers (5) times daily is part of your environment, your genes may make you urge to do your prayers. However your choice and interaction depends on your reaction (Pearson Education, 2017). Health care professionals need to know these theories in order to understand different personalities and understanding of how individuals may react differently to life situations. References   AQA. (2017). The Humanistic Approach | AQA B Psychology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Boundless. (2017). Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Development through the life stages. (2017). 1st ed. [ebook] London: Pearson Education. Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Erikson, E. H. (1959) Identity and the Life Cycle. New York: International Universities Press. (2017). STAGE THEORY OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT (PIAGET). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Managing Change Five Basic Principles. (2017). 1st ed. [ebook] NHS North West Leadership Academy. Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. McLeod, S. (2017). Behaviorism | Simply Psychology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2017]. Schneiderman, N., Ironson, G. and D. Siegel, S. (2017). STRESS AND HEALTH: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 1, pp.607-628.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Little Fugue and Morning Song by Sylvia Plath Essay -- Sylvia Plath Po

A relationship is an emotional connection to someone involving an interaction between two or more people. There are many types of relationships, some functional and others far from being workable. I will demonstrate this through my texts of; Little Fugue, and Morning Song both poems written by Sylvia Plath; the movie, Love Actually; and the book, Trickster’s Choice by Tamora Pierce. Little Fugue by Sylvia Plath is my first example of how we all perceive our different relationships. This poem is about Plath talking of her father and herself and the lack of communication between the two. Throughout the poem, Plath contradicts herself, saying, ‘I was seven, I knew nothing’ yet she constantly talks of the past, remembering. Her tone is very dark and imposing, she uses many images of blindness, deafness and a severe lack of communication, ‘So the deaf and dumb/signal the blind, and are ignored’. Her use of enjambment shows her feelings and pain in some places, in other places it covers up her emotional state. She talks of her father being a German, a Nazi. Whilst her father may have originated from Germany, he was in no way a Nazi, or a fascist. He was a simple man who made sausages. ‘Lopping the sausages!’ However she used this against her father, who died when she was but eight, saying that she still had night mares, ‘They color1 my sleep,’ she also brings her father’s supposed Nazism up again, ‘Red, mottled, like cut necks./There was a silence!’. Plath also talks of her father being somewhat of a general in the militia, ‘A yew hedge of orders,’ also with this image she brings back her supposed vulnerability as a child, talking as if her father was going to send her away, ‘I am guilty of nothing.’ For all her claims of being vul... ...r child being an alien, she still stumbles from bed ‘cow heavy’ at a single cry from the child. Morning Song is literally the cry of a baby, as it calls for it’s mother. The relationship between mother and child is strong although Plath seems to view her child as something totally unchildlike. She doesn’t seem to be able to connect with her child in any way. I have learned that relationships are diverse and can change from one moment to the next. I have learned that not all people share the same views as I do when it comes to the people I hold dear. The world around me is a very different place to my perceived ideals. Relationships are like diamonds, with many sides and facets. It can be perfect and clear, or cloudy and distorted. It is life. 1American spelling used as it is a direct quote 2Corus is the capital city of Aly’s home country, Tortall

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Kite runner redmption Essay

One of the main themes of the novel The Kite Runner Is redemption. Throughout the novel, the main character, Amir, seeks redemption for his sins. Amir states in the first chapter of the novel that he has a past of â€Å"unatoned sins. † Throughout the novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini uses the following symbols to express the theme of redemption: The scar above Amirs lip, the lamb and the blue kite. The scar above Amirs lip represents the redemption Amir attained by rescuing Sohrab. Amir travels to Afghanistan to rescue Sohrab, who is being exploited by a Taliban leader. The Taliban leader turns out to be an old enemy from Amirs childhood, Assef. Amir must fight Assef in order to leave with Sohrab. During the fight Amir is beaten brutally until Sohrab shoots Assef with his slingshot. Amir is left with a scar above his right lip, strikingly similar to the one Hassan had after having surgery for his cleft lip. At the beginning of the novel, Amir watches Hassan get raped, but he did not intervene. The guilt from that day haunts him throughout the novel. At one point, Amir even tries to force Hassan to beat him up, as though the only thing that could redeem Amir was being beaten, but Hassan does not and Amir is even more ridden with guilt. When Rakim Khan calls amir, he says, â€Å"Come, This is a chance for you to be good again. † It is clear Rakim Khan understood the guilt that Amir was feeling, and realized that Amir had been searching for redemption all his life. Khan new that rescuing Sohrab was the only way Amir could truly find redemption. The rescue of Sohrab, was the rescue of an innocent, the rescue of a lamb. Throughout the novel, a reoccurring image of a sacrificial lamb represents a path to redemption. Amir tells the reader how during the Muslim holiday of Eid-Al-Ahda, the Mullah sacrifices a lamb. The look on the lamb’s face during the sacrifice stays with Amir for the rest of his life. When Amir witnesses Asseff rape Hassan, he remarks, â€Å"I caught a glimpse of his face. Saw the resignation in it. It was a look I had seen before. It was the look of the lamb. † Once more in the novel, Amir is reminded of the lamb, when he witnesses Asseff exploit Sohrab. The link between Hassan, Sohrab and the Lamb is their innocence; Because Amir betrayed an innocent Hassan, he must save an innocent to be redeemed, Sohrab is this innocent lamb. By ending the exploitation of this figurative lamb, Amir attains redemption for his sin. Finally, returning with the blue kite was an avenue of redemption for Amir. Every winter, in Kabul, there was a large kite-fighting tournament. The tournament was a big deal to the people of Kabul. Amir and Hassan won the tournament, but in order to truly be victorious, Hassan had to retrieve the blue kite so Amir could bring it home as a trophy. During the kite tournament Amir states, â€Å"All i saw was the blue kite. All i smelled was victory. Salvation. Redemption. † Specifically, redemption in the eyes of Baba. Amir had stated earlier in the novel how he thought Baba thought of him as weak, but this was Amirs chance to be strong in the eyes of Baba, and end Amirs longing for Baba’s love. In conclusion, the rescue of Sohrab, the sacrificial lamb and the blue kite represent redemption for Amir’s sins. Redemption is a main theme of the novel, and Khaled Hosseini uses the aforementioned symbols to tell the story of Amir’s quest for redemption. Amir’s quest makes one question whether sometimes the sinner, is also the victim. As a mere child, Amir betrayed his friend, out of fear, out of cowardice, and out of selfishness, but he did not know that decision would haunt him for the rest of his life. Did he really deserve the punishment befallen on him?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modern architecture and traditional architecture

Modern architecture and traditional architecture Nowadays, as we known the architectural community has had a strong and continuing interest in traditional and modern architecture. Architecture, this word possesses an immense creativity in itself. Usually, when we hear this word, picture of creative design of physical structures flashes in our mind. Integral to the identity of any country is its architectural heritage, combining modern and traditional architectural designs or product of the blend between splendid modern and traditional architecture.Based on what have found, architecture has been Rosen down into many categories to fit the lifestyle of people in a particular place at a particular time. There are basically two types of architect which are modern architecture and traditional architecture. According to architect Eric Spry, the word â€Å"modern† provokes such strong reactions in the world of residential architecture. Some people might imagine wonderful homes of stee l and glass with open, flowing floor plans; others might imagine sterile homes that feel like museums, complete with men in red suits watching carefully that nothing is touched.Strong pinions abound about modern architecture, as they do regarding the wide variety of other architectural styles. Five hundred years ago, Native Americans was built with adobe and Europeans built with stone. Homes had thick walls, small and deep- set windows, and small interior rooms. Technologies such as steel later allowed large expanses of space and large expanses of glass. In our lifestyles today are considerably different than the lifestyles of 50 years ago, let alone the lifestyles from 100 or 200 years ago. Architecture must represent the way we live today, not the way we lived hundreds of years ago.Remember parlors? Not many would. These were sitting rooms common a hundred years ago where guests were greeted. Our lifestyle changed, and parlors were weeded out. (Discover Modern Architecture's Appea l . Eric Spry). What is a modern architecture mean? Modern architecture is known as the movement of architecture that began in the 20th century, it is also architecture that is characterized by the simplification of forms and subtraction of ornaments, modern architecture can be some of the most futuristic, colorful, innovative designs ever. Traditional vs. Modern Architecture' (Ranches . 011). Modern architecture these days there are so many materials that architects can use to create different effects on buildings. In history, Modern architecture developed during the early 20th century but gained popularity only after the Second World War. For decades, modernism became the dominant structure for institutions and corporate buildings even up to the recent period. Architectures of this type exhibit functionalism and rationalism in its structure. (What is the difference between post-modern and modern architecture?. 000). Characteristics of modern architecture include he functional requ irements of the structure, lesser ornaments used and eliminations of dispensable details, and the application of the concept of â€Å"form follows function†. ‘Comparative investigation of traditional and modern architecture' (A. S. Delia, M. A. Ensnare, T. Zachary Beverages . 2011). Generally, modern design is simple, sober and features minimal accessories. The modern design is characterized with angular frames, low profiles, geometric and abstract patterns in textiles, upholstery as well as in artwork.Natural materials like linen, leather and teak wood are mostly used. The lines are unembellished as well as straight. In modern design, the furniture is often raised from the floor with the help of legs in order to create an airy and open atmosphere. Colors used in modern design are neutral shades that are highlighted with splashes of color. Walls are generally cream and white in color. Floors are mostly made of cement or bare wood. In addition, sculptures and paintings a re used as an integral part of modern design.If you are in the process of designing or renovating your home, you may be wondering whether to include modern design in the design layout. Well, the terms – modern is closely related and people tend to use the terms interchangeably. However, in the world of design and d ©core, both the terms represent distinct and different styles. To be modern a building should be light and airy, it must push technology to its limits even effecting new invention in the process; to be architecture it must provide utility, stability, commodity and delight and all of this done in sympathy with Nature.Being novel is not to be confused with being modern. ‘Sustainable systems in Iranian traditional architecture' Avid Iraqi , Sabina Kabuki Madman . 011). As result, architecture has been going backward since the mid-20th Century because the technology available at the time still has not been fully utilized, for example, space frames, and especial ly the engineering concepts of Businessmen Fuller, such as geodesic domes large enough to cover entire cities and his lightweight temerity towers; such technology is essential to conserve scare resources in order to assure economic growth, as well as to provide for increases in population. Modern & Traditional Houses' can Weiss. 2009). Basically ,a modern home should represent how we live today. It should reflect current construction methods and materials. It should have integrity by avoiding trends. Modern architecture offers an opportunity for an original beauty, not by imitating another style from another time or place, but by considering the present and, with imagination, creating a fresh aesthetic. Secondary, we might ask what is traditional architecture?Traditional architecture is that way of building which makes serious use of the familiar symbolic forms of a particular culture of a particular people in a particular place. It is different from modern buildings because of thei r method of construction, to because of their age or their listed status. Traditional buildings have an appeal due their special character, history and location. Furthermore, when looking for a property to buy it's easy to fall in love with an old building. ‘Architecture – modernism vs. traditionalism' (Lance Baker . 2011).Traditional architecture is the term used to categorize methods of construction which use local anesthetically available resources and traditions to address local needs. Some believed that, by using local practices, such as using local materials in construction, building costs will decrease, hence being economically more advantages. By the professor Lucien Steel, traditional architecture requires a high ethical commitment to the people, their places, their beliefs and their particular traditions. This commitment is not a slavish one, nor is it a servile opportunism.Ethical attitudes are not reducible to the uncritical acceptance of dominant sets of va lues and moral conventions. They require the distinction between civic and private virtues on one hand and willful customs and obsolete practices of false morality and corrupted policies on the other. So if modernity in some way would contribute to discern the most appropriate and the cost efficient, the most human and the most ecological aspects of the contemporary potential, every traditional architect and city-builder couldn't be but a committed modern.Traditional architecture and city-building are based on a positive philosophy of life, on faith in humanity, on respect of environment and historical cultures as a common heritage of mankind, and on an inviolable legacy of genius and know-how from proceeding generations of craftsmen and committed citizen. Traditional architecture and city-building imply a sense of modesty and humility of he individual creator within the sacred creation of the universe, as well as the powerful intuition that concepts of beauty, harmony, Justice, tru th, rightness are embedded in permanence and universality.Tradition forwards a selected knowledge, a tested experience as well as an heritage of models, types, techniques and formal vocabularies. It is a dynamic process, an on-going effort and development, not a static heritage of dogmas and immutable recipes. Tradition shoulders the responsibility of carrying on an inherited culture beyond the contingencies and improvisations of the moment. In order to remain vital, alive and relevant it needs to be earned, consolidated and enriched by each single generation in the perspective of universal ideals of civilization.It implies a constant effort of appropriation of knowledge, experience and cultural values, a permanent effort of intellectual, artistic and material reconstruction. (Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Practice. Lucien Steel). Traditional architecture are mainly classified as historical buildings that have a lot of character and culture incorporated into them and artis ts were commissioned to put some color into the building giving each one an individual stamp.Now a day's traditional architecture is the widespread form of building since many years, constructed through traditional way of building methods by local builders without using the services of a professional architect. Due to western influence, architects are not using traditional architecture techniques now that are based on climatic conditions. Building materials has different categories from mud- plastered to reed-thatched to timber-framed in accordance with the availability of local material. Some houses are built to withstand earthquakes, while others can be built quickly if washed away by heavy monsoon rains.In some areas where there are limitations of building material, natural materials such as mud, grass, bamboo, thatch or sticks are used, instead of transporting materials from far place which is a blot on sustainability practices, for semi-permanent structures which require regula r maintenance and replacement. The advantages of such traditional architecture are the construction materials are cheap and easily available and relatively little labor is required. As the needs and resources of the people change, traditional architecture evolve to include more durable materials such as tones, clay tiles, metals etc.Though they are more expensive to build, they are very durable structures. In Asia climate has a major influence on traditional architecture. High thermal mass or significant amounts of insulation characterize buildings in cold climates. Lighter materials are used to build buildings in warm climates and designed for sufficient cross-ventilation through openings in the fabric of the building. In areas which have high levels of rainfall, flat roofs are avoided, even in areas with flat roofs, water harvesting techniques are being used. (Traditional Architecture In Asia . 2010)The overall effect of traditional houses is like walking through a well-curates ar t exhibit, where people can admire the buildings. The density of different buildings and stores satisfies the pedestrian's need for visual interest. It is a key part of what we call â€Å"walkabout'. This is what made historic downtowns beautiful in a way that no government or philanthropist could recreate today, and why historic preservationists nurse a broken heart with every lost structure. Traditional and modern architecture have mostly been seen as antitheses, impossible to reconcile, especially in Africa.They appear to belong to efferent ages, utilize different materials and methods, and encourage or support different lifestyles. This essay aims at seeking points where a merging of principles may be attempted between the two positions. Compare from both of them, modern building has very good facilities including toilets, kitchen etc. And more over the design is very different. They are designed according to the requirements and also the life would be much easier there in the modern building. (Traditional vs. Modern Architecture 2011). But on other hand, traditional house have great design too.It is graceful and warm and inviting. It is also beautiful. Of course traditional house can't guarantee that the roof isn't going to leak, the windows are properly sealed and the kitchen appliance is in the working order. Traditional house cannot guarantee for it. ‘Modern apartment building or traditional house ? (Teenage. 2011) The fact that modern buildings are prevalent proves modern style has its own advantages. In my country, population explosion has been a headache and the following problem is where to settle those extra citizens.Since the land is limited, one good solution is replacing those old buildings which occupy large space with tall and thin modern buildings. Also, modern buildings usually have the same and simple structure so that they can be finished in a relatively short time, compared to the traditional ones. As a result, modern buildings au gment the efficiency and make it possible to meet the increasing large demand of house nowadays. Furthermore, as modern buildings are always applied with advanced technology and theories, people can gain more security when living in such environment.But, there are many people still strongly recommend the traditional style. Specifically, unlike the modern style which can be seen everywhere, traditional buildings representing unique cantonal culture only exist in certain countries. In this way, those building can be built for special use like tourist attractions. This would bring a great profit and earn the country a good fame. In addition, buildings with traditional sense are a good way to memorize the past history and display the ancient scenes. As a result of this, some new buildings are necessary to be built in traditional style but not all the buildings.Modern buildings still play the key role in today's society and will gradually expand its affect zone. ‘Some people think all the new buildings should be built in traditional style? (Elise. 010). However, modern buildings often use steel infrastructure, where the interior columns carry most of the loading. Since this type of construction is lighter per floor, they can be built higher, cheaper, and quicker. What are the differences between ancient and modern buildings? Monsoon. 2008). For the opposite, most ancient buildings had load bearing walls, which limited their height, and accounted for the thicker walls.This also resulted in a lot less available window space. In fact in today society, one of the most significant problems accompanying with the population exploration is house problem, so more and more KY-scrapers instead of traditional buildings are built. As far as this phenomenon is concerned, some people think that we should construct much more buildings in traditional styles. Admittedly, there are some reasons for those people who stand for constructing building in traditional way. First of al l, the traditional buildings may possess more aesthetic values and historical meanings.Compared with the modern ones, the traditional buildings contain paintings or characters relating to the past certain age or dynasties; which endow more value to the buildings. Secondly, he traditional buildings often provide more spaces to house owners or renters; thereby making the living condition much easier and more comfortable. (Modern and traditional architecture 2010). However, maybe we do not think that we should build our building mainly in traditional way. Firstly, it is decided by the present social phenomenon that the number of population living in the planet nowadays has never appeared even before.Correspondingly, we have to build most our living houses in a way that never come before. Besides that, constructing our building in a modern way is also an integral part of sustaining ecosystem. Let us try to imagine that if we all build our house in traditional way, take china for example , which traditional buildings are usually one or two layers, and can it accommodate the present 1. 3 billion population . The might be a possible we could build a few numbers of buildings in traditional style which in order to hand down the traditional culture.But based on the social condition, most of our buildings should still construct in modern way. But , can modern and traditional architecture coexist? In today's world anything is possible for example Instead of painting beautiful designs on the wall, en can Just use wall paper instead which can be replaced or removed at any time. The thin line between modern architecture and traditional architecture is that Modern architecture explores mainly with the interior features whereas traditional architecture is mainly worked on the exterior features.Therefore modern architecture and traditional are definitely able to coexist. ‘To what extent do you agree or disagree? -modern & traditional building(Cathy. 2009). There is also a vast difference between modernity as an attitude and modernism as an architectural style. Modernity as an attitude, according to me, can co-exist with tradition. Modernity deals with transformation and change in the present and tries to incorporate it in buildings. Thus, it keeps changing with time. The standard steel frame and glass construction which was ‘modern' during the early 20th century is no longer modern today.

Free Essays on Review And Evaluate Evidence For A Biological Basis To Personality.

Personality is often described as simply one’s distinctive personal character. However, personality is a much more complex area in which biologists and psychologists have pondered over for many years. It can be defined as the relatively unchanging and distinctive patterns of one’s thoughts, behaviors and feelings, which in turn produce a person’s own style of interacting with the physical and social environment. There are two main factors that affect one’s personality, environmental and biological factors (commonly referred to as the nature versus nurture approach to personality). Lets then focus on the latter, and attempt to find out to what extent personality is biologically based. In order to this, certain evidence such as the field of behavioral genetics, studies of frontal lobe brain damage, and Eysenck’s well accredited theory are required to be reviewed and evaluated. The first point that needs to be addressed is the field of behaviour genetics. Behavioral geneticists study the inheritance of behavioral characteristics by combining the fields of psychology and genetics. Their studies show us that psychological traits and characteristics can be transmitted from parent to offspring. These characteristics include such things like aggressiveness, anxiousness and the ability to reason. A research study called the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, involving 30 pairs of identical twins, began at the University of Minnesota in 1981. It was believed, based on the fact that these twins had the exact same genetic makeup, they would in fact have similar personalities, despite being raised in different environments. This was evident in the vast majority of the identical twins, but perhaps no more than Jack Yufe and Oskar Stohr. This pair had been raised in dramatically different environments, yet still displayed remarkable similarities. Jack was raised as a Jew by his ... Free Essays on Review And Evaluate Evidence For A Biological Basis To Personality. Free Essays on Review And Evaluate Evidence For A Biological Basis To Personality. Personality is often described as simply one’s distinctive personal character. However, personality is a much more complex area in which biologists and psychologists have pondered over for many years. It can be defined as the relatively unchanging and distinctive patterns of one’s thoughts, behaviors and feelings, which in turn produce a person’s own style of interacting with the physical and social environment. There are two main factors that affect one’s personality, environmental and biological factors (commonly referred to as the nature versus nurture approach to personality). Lets then focus on the latter, and attempt to find out to what extent personality is biologically based. In order to this, certain evidence such as the field of behavioral genetics, studies of frontal lobe brain damage, and Eysenck’s well accredited theory are required to be reviewed and evaluated. The first point that needs to be addressed is the field of behaviour genetics. Behavioral geneticists study the inheritance of behavioral characteristics by combining the fields of psychology and genetics. Their studies show us that psychological traits and characteristics can be transmitted from parent to offspring. These characteristics include such things like aggressiveness, anxiousness and the ability to reason. A research study called the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, involving 30 pairs of identical twins, began at the University of Minnesota in 1981. It was believed, based on the fact that these twins had the exact same genetic makeup, they would in fact have similar personalities, despite being raised in different environments. This was evident in the vast majority of the identical twins, but perhaps no more than Jack Yufe and Oskar Stohr. This pair had been raised in dramatically different environments, yet still displayed remarkable similarities. Jack was raised as a Jew by his ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

KKK and the Cross in Cincinnati essays

KKK and the Cross in Cincinnati essays The KKK are only putting the cross up in Fountain Square because they want attention. Do we want to give them what they want? NO! So, we can all not pay any attention to the cross. Instead of criticizing it, we worship it. Its like whenever a little kid is doing something really annoying and you keep telling them to stop, but they dont because they just want attention. What do you do to get them to stop? You dont pay any attention to them and eventually they figure out you dont care what theyre doing, so they dont do it anymore. Once they put the cross up there, all the Catholics should all go downtown as a city and make a big circle around it and say prayers. Then, we tell them how meaningful and religious it is to us, and how we cant ever repay the KKK because they are too nice. This will make them discouraged and frusterated. We can either praise this cross, or we can just NOT PAY ATTENTION TO IT AT ALL. For example, I cant tell you how many news stories have been written about this whole controversy. The KKK only puts the cross to get a rise out of us and make us angry, then we wont give them what they want. They will have then wasted their money on that property, and be furious. I think my little theory will work, if everyone follows through on it. If it doesnt work, then well work this out from there. We cant just sit back and write about how horrible the KKK is for putting the cross up without doing anything. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE - Essay Example Thinking of the possible strategies and reforms to mitigate the problem, I came up with the accurate suggestions and critical thoughts on Medicare, which I would share within the following reflection. As it has been mentioned in the case, the Rosalyns preexisting condition of ulcer restrained her from receiving due to the few compounding circumstances: first, she was divorced, second, her annual salary at the gift-wrapping company of $19,000 was insufficient to cover medical care and the employee did not provided any sort of medical coverage for her, the last, but not the least, a â€Å"relatively innocent† disorder, an ulcer, made so far expensive medical insurance to cost like a sort of luxury. Obviously, if Rosalyn was not rejected at first, her cancer would not metastasized into womans hips and she would not break her fragile hip bone. The woman died a decade after her surgeries. In the aftermath of Rosalyns case, it may seem that costly medical advantages seem to be a kind of unattainable service even for those, who are, like, Rosalyn, in desperate need for emergent medical assistance. It is impossibly cruel to make someone suffer, witness how their health state progressively deteriorate. What make things feel even worse, is that getting sick for average middle-aged employed American citizen is a sort of fatal disaster. Rosalyns case seems to be outrageous, if observed through the lens of distributive justice theory. That concept is related to the fair distribution of existent resources amidst diverse members of the society. That justice is grounded on the total amount of goods to be allocated, the procedure and distributive pattern. In the health care settings, like in any other field, distributive justice is expected to work for the good of patients. Allocation of medical services, thereof, should be based on the criteria of need, equity and equality. Currently, the United States of America maintains a patchwork system of five

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hunting Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hunting Trip - Essay Example According to the study unlike him, Kelvin had no reservations about exciting the bear, before he could tell him to calm down so as not to draw the animal’s attention, he was bounding past him into the forest and the bear could not have been more exited as it burst through the undergrowth looking way bigger and meaner than it had when it was half hidden. "I followed Kelvin, who was by now running at full tilt and screaming his head off, I had heard that the best way to survive an animal attack was to have friend who wasn’t as fast as you were. If that was true, Kelvin had nothing to fear since I was naturally slower than him, I could hear the bear grunting a several feet behind me but I could have sworn it was inches. I slipped and fell and for a fraction of the scariest second of my life, I was sure the bear would catch up and rip me into shreds; however I sprang up almost as fast as I had fallen and kept running. Spurred by fear, I accelerated and the race was on, for the bear it was about lunch but for us it was our lives we were running for, at that moment I was so scared that I was sweating through every pore on my skin and something in my mind was telling me this was the end. Nevertheless, I felt (or thought I felt) adrenaline coursing through my veins and I run harder than ever before. I kept running into low hanging branches that my friend had brushed aside in his haste and some of them smacked me right in the face as they swung back after he had pushed them away. I was however too scared to feel the pain, many tore into my face living deep scratches which I only noticed much later. This was not how I had planned my day; I had been persuaded by my friends, Kelvin and Fred to join them in a hunting â€Å"expedition† they made it sound like we would be reliving Mungo Park’s exploration into Africa although I knew at best we would scare a few rabbits. Still, against my better judgment I acquiesced and we agreed to meet at Kelvin' s place on Saturday at 7 Am. I borrowed an on old hunting rifle which my dad swore could take out an elephant from 200 yards, from experience, it was unstable and the scope was faulty such that the easiest way to guarantee you do not shoot something would be to aim at it. When I got to the rendezvous, I found Kelvin, Fred and another guy called Alex who was introduced to me as Fred’s cousin, we set off for the reservation with high hopes of bagging a few rabbits by lunch time. Two hours later, the only significant thing that had happened was that all or phones lost their signals and we had to navigate using Kelvins rusty compass."  

Theme 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theme 2 - Essay Example The â€Å"Tale of Kieu† is a typical example that exemplifies the concept of morality within a literary piece. The poem tackles the concept of morality in differing dimensions as displayed by different characters in the play. Depending on one’s school of thought in evaluating the concept of morality, â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† can largely be considered as an immoral piece that exposes the societal immoral acts through relationships and promises in a larger societal set up. My argument to justify this line of thought is largely influenced after examining the characters and behaviors of the main protagonist, Kieu, Kim and Thu and their liberal actions in the entire poem. I therefore strongly argue that â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† points out the conflicting merits imposed on people and the way these merits affected their immoral lives in the years to come. (Du) Morality is one of the key themes in controversy of events surrounding â€Å"The Tale of Kieu†. It is a usual thing that fundamental moral acts largely involve the keeping of promises, being steadfast during times of opposition, and due unselfishness concerning being accommodating to others opinions and suggestions. Emanating from that basic understanding one may be at a crossroads in solving the moral equation of Kieu and other characters as exemplified in this poem. As such, one would commonly ask, is â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† an ideal moral poem? In my personal opinion, the poem just displays how many people in the real world can do â€Å"whatever they can get their hands on† so that they get what they desire even if their actions considerably affect those around them. The fascinating evidence in the story undoubtedly justifies my line of thought, as â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† is not that moral piece as some may argue. For instance, Kim Throng is displayed as a young, brilliant of mind man who desires Kieu. He is riches and sets out to love Kieu. In one instanc e, we are told how the two lovebirds go out to bond their relationship. Kim pours out his heart to Kieu and asserts, â€Å"Let's pledge our troth with something† (line 341) which Kieu responds, â€Å"to your kind bosom†¦ I’ll etch your word, our troth, in stone and bronze.† (Line 352) The above statement sought to re-affirm each other’s promise. Kieu further consolidates this promise by saying that â€Å"while am alive you’ll sometimes get your due† (line 522) suggesting a long trusted mutual relationship between the two lovers, and their intention of keeping the promise and living by the morality principle they swore. However, on their first date, we see Kim making sexual advances towards Kieu, was this action justified, being that both of them were not married? Keeping this purity until marriage was a noble thing to do as they both made vows to each other. In fact, it takes the efforts of Kieu to remind Kim of the noble vow they swore that they would keep the sexual affair issue until marriage. Immediately two issues emerge from the above analysis, Kim considerably displays immoral acts while Kieu is the moral one trying to live by the principles of their vow. The moral principle requires making a promise and keeping that particular promise irrespective the social circumstances and situations one finds him or herself. Kim and Kieu had made a promise to marry each other and

Pacing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pacing - Essay Example In addition, the paper will cover learning for difficult subjects in English language learners’ class. Pacing Introduction According to Alan Hofmeister and Margaret Libke, pacing entails both curriculum and lesson pacing. A pacing guide is a written schedule that contains the concepts, topics and skills that are related the curriculum to be covered within a specified period of time (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 126). Curriculum pacing is concerned with the rate at which progress is made in delivering the curriculum while lesson pacing is concerned with the rate at which a teacher conducts the individual lessons. From past research, it is evident that low-achieving students learn effectively when lessons are conducted at brisk pace since more content is covered in classroom (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 19). However, it is assumed that the lesson difficulty will permit the learners to attain a higher rate of success since highly difficult lessons or contents cannot well learned at instructional pace. Good pacing provides the students with the right rhythm of the lesson and creates a perception that the lesson is progressing at the right speed (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 127). Lesson pacing is essential in classroom learning. Lesson pacing acts an indicator that students use to gauge the speed and progress of learning in a particular lesson. Accordingly, pacing enables the instructors or teachers to align the method of teaching with the objectives of learning and level of difficulty of the lesson (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 131). Effective pacing enables the teacher to hold the attention of the students thus contributing to effective attainment of the learning objectives in a particular lesson. In this regard, students have prior perception of the amount of content that will be covered within a certain period thus enabling them to concentrate during the entire lesson period (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 27). Lesson pacing helps in advancing from one lear ning topic to the next during the lesson. In this regard, pacing ensures that teachers deliver knowledge in a coherent and sequential manner since no interruptions such as missing instructional materials occur. Lesson pacing arouses learning curiosity and controls students’ behavioral problems during the lesson. Lesson pacing facilitates contribution from the learners through asking for clarifications, quality questioning and coverage of sufficient content within the lesson period (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 132). Pacing for a class that includes English Language Learner (ELL) students and for a class that does not include ELL students will differ significantly. For ELL class, explanation of certain vocabularies and key terms is essential before teaching the students new concepts (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 52). For English Language Learners (ELL), the teacher must move at a slower pace while demonstrating the concepts through body language in order to maintain the attenti on of the learners. For ELL students, the teacher must present learning materials and instructions visually through issuing handouts and not relying entirely on oral instructions (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 139). The pacing must facilitate language mastery through clear outline of lesson objectives and definition of the language objectives. The lesson content must be aligned with English language proficiency and lesson activities must integrate lesson concepts with English language practice opportunities such as writing poems (Hofmeister & Lub

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Operation Anaconda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Operation Anaconda - Essay Example This operation was to eliminate the Al Qaeda group after they were overpowered by the group three months earlier. The mission used modernized method where the US military and friendly Afghanistan in the valley was to assail the terror group. This was not the case, as the enemy was so controlling and organized, while the sociable Afghanistan’s did not cooperate, hence leaving the Americans to fight alone. The soldiers were able to succeed as they called for air reinforcement because their original ground plan to overpower the enemy was not effective.2 The mission was expected to be completed in three days, but it extended for a month. The US army was considered successful because they were able to eliminate eight hundred Al Qaeda men. These men run away from the valley leaving the United States soldiers in control. The success was established using sophisticated material and the soldiers adapting to diverse fighting methods. This is because it was unable to cope with the environment in the mountains and they were not able to combat the heavy machine guns and grenades that were used to neutralize them by the Al-Qaeda. The operation did not have tactical gears that would neutralize the Al-Qaeda group who camouflaged in the mountains. There were many accidents as many soldiers died from bombs dropped by American aircrafts. Others were killed from helicopter crashes, while a few suffered heavy equipment accidents, inadvertent falling from shipboards, and accidental shootings.3 Anaconda operation has been among the most complicated missions in US warfare history. This is because they were unable to eliminate their enemy in the first account, typically because the soldiers underestimated the enemy and thought that it was an uncomplicated mission. Success was realized after requesting for reinforcement from Delta Force and Seal Team

Oedipus Rex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oedipus Rex - Essay Example But as it is revealed in the concluding part of the play some duties are fundamental, and even the interest of the state and its laws are subservient to it. The duty to bury the dead concerns humanity and it has nothing to do with the existing law or ruling by any authority. It is the moral duty that derives authority from the unrecorded law. The Parameters of Free Will is another theme that is part of the play. Tiresias predicts the arrest of one who is both father and brother to his own children. Oedipus reveals to Jocasta of a prophecy he came to know as a youth, that he would kill his father and sleep with his mother, and Jocasta tells Oedipus of an identical prophecy given to Laius, that her son would grow up to kill his father. Oedipus and Jocasta enter into discussion about the extent to which prophecies should be relied upon at all, and when all of the prophecies come true, it appears that one of Sophocles’ aims is to defend the powers of the gods and prophets. In the play Oedipus has no other option but to fulfill the prophecy. Fate continuously overpowers him. Oedipus’s Swollen Foot is an example of symbolism in the play. Oedipus was left in the mountains with his ankles trapped together and Laius had abandoned him in that state on a desolate mountain shortly after he was born. Oedipus bears with this injury for the rest of his life and the scar is the indicator for the plight undergone by him. His injury symbolised the manner in which fate dealt with him and his movements were restricted since birth. That was Apollo’s prophecy to Laius. The Junction of Three-Roads: Jocasta mentions about the place where Laius is assassinated, where three roads intersect. This crossroad is mentioned often during the course of the play and it symbolises crucial moments of the play. Symbolically, a crossroad is the place where a decision has to be made about the path to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pacing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pacing - Essay Example In addition, the paper will cover learning for difficult subjects in English language learners’ class. Pacing Introduction According to Alan Hofmeister and Margaret Libke, pacing entails both curriculum and lesson pacing. A pacing guide is a written schedule that contains the concepts, topics and skills that are related the curriculum to be covered within a specified period of time (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 126). Curriculum pacing is concerned with the rate at which progress is made in delivering the curriculum while lesson pacing is concerned with the rate at which a teacher conducts the individual lessons. From past research, it is evident that low-achieving students learn effectively when lessons are conducted at brisk pace since more content is covered in classroom (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 19). However, it is assumed that the lesson difficulty will permit the learners to attain a higher rate of success since highly difficult lessons or contents cannot well learned at instructional pace. Good pacing provides the students with the right rhythm of the lesson and creates a perception that the lesson is progressing at the right speed (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 127). Lesson pacing is essential in classroom learning. Lesson pacing acts an indicator that students use to gauge the speed and progress of learning in a particular lesson. Accordingly, pacing enables the instructors or teachers to align the method of teaching with the objectives of learning and level of difficulty of the lesson (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 131). Effective pacing enables the teacher to hold the attention of the students thus contributing to effective attainment of the learning objectives in a particular lesson. In this regard, students have prior perception of the amount of content that will be covered within a certain period thus enabling them to concentrate during the entire lesson period (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 27). Lesson pacing helps in advancing from one lear ning topic to the next during the lesson. In this regard, pacing ensures that teachers deliver knowledge in a coherent and sequential manner since no interruptions such as missing instructional materials occur. Lesson pacing arouses learning curiosity and controls students’ behavioral problems during the lesson. Lesson pacing facilitates contribution from the learners through asking for clarifications, quality questioning and coverage of sufficient content within the lesson period (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 132). Pacing for a class that includes English Language Learner (ELL) students and for a class that does not include ELL students will differ significantly. For ELL class, explanation of certain vocabularies and key terms is essential before teaching the students new concepts (Hofmeister & Lubke, 1999, p 52). For English Language Learners (ELL), the teacher must move at a slower pace while demonstrating the concepts through body language in order to maintain the attenti on of the learners. For ELL students, the teacher must present learning materials and instructions visually through issuing handouts and not relying entirely on oral instructions (Richards & Lockhart, 2006, p 139). The pacing must facilitate language mastery through clear outline of lesson objectives and definition of the language objectives. The lesson content must be aligned with English language proficiency and lesson activities must integrate lesson concepts with English language practice opportunities such as writing poems (Hofmeister & Lub

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Oedipus Rex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oedipus Rex - Essay Example But as it is revealed in the concluding part of the play some duties are fundamental, and even the interest of the state and its laws are subservient to it. The duty to bury the dead concerns humanity and it has nothing to do with the existing law or ruling by any authority. It is the moral duty that derives authority from the unrecorded law. The Parameters of Free Will is another theme that is part of the play. Tiresias predicts the arrest of one who is both father and brother to his own children. Oedipus reveals to Jocasta of a prophecy he came to know as a youth, that he would kill his father and sleep with his mother, and Jocasta tells Oedipus of an identical prophecy given to Laius, that her son would grow up to kill his father. Oedipus and Jocasta enter into discussion about the extent to which prophecies should be relied upon at all, and when all of the prophecies come true, it appears that one of Sophocles’ aims is to defend the powers of the gods and prophets. In the play Oedipus has no other option but to fulfill the prophecy. Fate continuously overpowers him. Oedipus’s Swollen Foot is an example of symbolism in the play. Oedipus was left in the mountains with his ankles trapped together and Laius had abandoned him in that state on a desolate mountain shortly after he was born. Oedipus bears with this injury for the rest of his life and the scar is the indicator for the plight undergone by him. His injury symbolised the manner in which fate dealt with him and his movements were restricted since birth. That was Apollo’s prophecy to Laius. The Junction of Three-Roads: Jocasta mentions about the place where Laius is assassinated, where three roads intersect. This crossroad is mentioned often during the course of the play and it symbolises crucial moments of the play. Symbolically, a crossroad is the place where a decision has to be made about the path to

The Father of Chicago Blues Essay Example for Free

The Father of Chicago Blues Essay He is known for creating some of the greatest blues songs of all time â€Å"I Can’t Be Satisfied†, â€Å"I feel Like Going Home†, and â€Å"Hoochie Coochie Man†. His unique and distinctive voice conveyed intense feelings and emotions to audiences all over the globe, while his guitar skills inspired some of rock history’s greatest legends. He was known as Muddy Waters; a man whose raw talent and tenacity led him out of Mississippi, to Chicago, to winning several industry awards, and finally into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Much of the development of the blues genre, as well rock and roll, has been accredited to him and rightly so. Bringing the heart and soul of blues music to Chicago, Muddy Waters single-handedly led the progression of Delta blues to Chicago blues, from which much of today’s popular music has sprung. The origin of the blues dates back centuries. In commercial terms, it was once referred to as â€Å"race music†, as the artists were primarily black and the music was marketed to black audiences. The genre eventually became know as â€Å"rhythm and blues† or â€Å"RB† a music style rooted in Africa and brought over to the US when slaves would sing African spirituals while working on plantations. American Popular Music (2006) describes RB as such: RB, as the genre came to be known, was a loose cluster of styles, rooted in southern fold traditions and shaped by the experience of returning military personnel and hundreds of thousands of black Americans who had migrated to urban centers such as New York, Chicago, Detroit, and Los Angeles during and just after the war. (p. 38) As the music world expanded, sub-genres of the blues came into existence. Delta blues, jump blues, and Chicago electric blues were the most popular categories. Muddy Waters himself grew up singing Delta blues songs from that region, until he moved north to Chicago. It was in Chicago that his sound evolved and he was labeled as a â€Å"Chicago electric blues† artist. During the 1940s, Chicago became one of the most rapidly-growing cities in terms of black neighborhoods, which fueled the popularity and demand for blues music. Although Delta blues artists had been a favorite amongst the African American community for decades before the emergence of Muddy Waters, it was a new type of blues sound that soon became the iconic music of Chicago: A very different urban blues tradition of the postwar era, Chicago electric blues, derived more directly from the rural Mississippi Delta†¦ The musical taste of black Chicagoans, many of them recent migrants from the Deep South, tended toward rougher, grittier styles, closely linked to African American folk traditions but also reflective of their new, urban orientation†¦ Muddy Waters exemplifies these developments. (Starr Waterman, 2006, p. 41) The Chicago blues scene was essentially a combination of both northern and southern influences. This is an example of how music, as well as society, evolves in order to embrace a new way of life while retaining its roots. Although people still embraced musical themes from traditional Delta blues frustration, loneliness, pain they were looking for a more developed and refined sound. This new blues style, Chicago electric blues, soon became personified through Muddy Waters. His voice contained all of the grittiness and rough sounds of traditional African American music, yet his innovative guitar skills and musical phrasing appealed to audiences who were demanding a more urban feel. Muddy Waters was born McKinley Morganfield on April 4, 1913 in Issaquena County, Mississippi however, he later changed his birth year to 1915 in order to appear younger to the entertainment industry. He was born to Berta Grant, who was only a teenager at the time, and Ollie Morganfield, a cotton farmer. Muddy’s parents were an unconventional couple, as they never married; and after his mother passed away in 1918, his grandmother Della Grant took over in raising him. He was only three years-old at the time, and Della was an extremely young grandmother of 32 years of age when he was born. Muddy’s world seemed to revolve around music from a very early age, although he did enjoy fishing and playing down by a nearby creek. He would always get dirt on his clothes and mud on his face, which is how he was nicknamed Muddy Waters. Muddy was not the only musical talent in the family. His father Ollie was well-known amongst locals as a very skilled singer, guitarist, and washboard-player. This seemed to fuel Muddy’s interest in music, as he began to learn how to play a variety of instruments. He improvised by turning a kerosene can into a drum, which became his first instrument, and that was followed by the accordion, a harp, and a box and stick that he made into his first guitar. He recalled, â€Å"Couldn’t do much with it, but that’s how you learn! † (Roots, 2007). As a teenager, Muddy began listening to blues artists such as Charlie Patton and Roosevelt Sykes. One of his greatest influences, however, was Son House. He was inspired by House’s guitar technique and would often attend live performances: â€Å"I was there every night, close to him. You couldn’t get me out of that corner, listening to him. I watched that man’s fingers and look like to me he was so good he was unlimited† (Roots, 2007). By the age of 17, Muddy was able to purchase his first guitar a used Stella and began making a name for himself as a local blues artist. With his own makeshift band, Muddy performed in several local Delta clubs until he was discovered by Alan Lomax in 1941 a folklore collector who invited him to record for the Library of Congress. Lomax was searching for a blues singer comparable to Robert Johnson, whose guitar style influenced Muddy’s own way of playing. It was most likely Lomax’s encouragement that persuaded him to move to Chicago in 1943 he had been contemplating the idea for awhile, yet decided against it as he did not want to leave his grandmother. After his move to Chicago, Muddy started working at a paper mill. Three years later, a man by the name of Sunnyland Slim helped him get signed to Aristocrat Records; but his first series of recordings proved to be unsuccessful, and he would have to earn money by driving trucks for six days out of the week, while performing nightly in local clubs. His career did not fully launch until 1948 when Aristocrat Records was sold and became Chess Records. Under this new label, he recorded his first single â€Å"Rollin’ Stone†. It was an absolute hit, and was even used to name one of the world’s most famous rock bands the Rolling Stones. By 1951, Muddy had a complete band with Otis Spann on the piano, Little Walter on the harmonica, Jimmie Rodgers on the second guitar, and Elgin Evans on the drums (Rolling Stone, 2009). He was now a major blues performer, creating some of the most iconic and influential songs in the music industry: Waters’s approach to the blues is different from that of blues crooners†¦ Waters was a master of the bottleneck slide guitar technique. He used his guitar to create a rock-stead, churning rhythm, interspersed with blues licks, which were counterpoised with his voice in a kind of musical conversation. (Starr Waterman, 2009, p. 42) He mastered the electric guitar after moving to Chicago, as the crowds were noisier than his previous audience in the Delta, and there was a high demand for dance music. He brought the traditional blues sound up from the Mississippi Delta, turned it into a more electric sound, and Chicago electric blues was born. It was this emotionally distressing style of guitar-playing that won him the name â€Å"The Father of Chicago Blues†, subsequently inspiring future rock artists such as Jimmy Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and bands of the 1960s and 1970s British explosion (Rolling Stone, 2009). Even though Muddy’s records were mostly sold in the Delta, New Orleans, and Chicago, his reputation spanned the globe. Over the years, Muddy would be cited as a great influence for many artists, including Chuck Berry, Leg Zeppelin, and Angus Young of AC/DC. His songs would also be covered by other industry heavyweights such as Cream, Etta James, and Bob Dylan. Muddy’s success was later signified by several Grammy Awards, Blues Foundation Awards, and his posthumous induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987 (Rolling Stone, 2009). It is impossible to think of history’s greatest blues artists without naming Muddy Waters he epitomizes Chicago blues. Today’s artists still praise his name and discuss how he has impacted the music world with his talent and innovation. Coming up from the Delta, he brought the true soul of blues to Chicago while simultaneously melding it with a more popular sound. He created a new sub-genre in music; and his voice and phenomenal guitar skills won him the respect of the entire music industry, both past and present. References Rolling Stone. (2009). Retrieved July 28, 2009, from http://www. rollingstone. com/ artists/muddywaters/biography Roots, A. (2007). So Into Blues. Retrieved July 28, 2009, from http://www. blues- finland. com/english/muddy_waters_biography_1. html Starr, L. , Waterman, C. (2006). American Popular Music: The Rock Years. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Recruitment and Selection Strategies in HRM

Recruitment and Selection Strategies in HRM Strategies are made according to objectives of an organization. These are set of activities towards objectives. Corporate objectives These are the statement of intent that basically provides a firm direction for the activities an organization performs in the pursuit of its mission. Usually in organizations there is confusion and overlapping between the terms, objectives and the company goals. This confusion is easy o solve only if the company tends to think of the objectives as a statement of intents and the goals as the quantifiable targets. Sales Strategies Sales strategy can be defined as the planned approach to the account management policy formation, prospect identification and qualification, sales presentation, and order generation aimed at achieving a firms sales quotas or targets. Following are sales strategy Objectives: Helps in improving client loyalty Increases the closeting ratio by knowing clients hot buttons Helps in shorting the sales cycle with outside recommendations. Proper sales strategy helps in offering best solutions to outsell the competitors Helps in targeting and penetrating the most promising and profitable sectors and markets Helps in refining and maximizing the competitive advantage and product differentiation to increase the market margin and share. Helps in establishing a specific plan to strengthen and enhance the lead generation  source: (Businessdictionary) P-9: Devise appropriate recruitment and selection procedures. Recruitment: It is the process of attracting, screening and selection qualified people for the Job. Selection process: Screening Applicants Read all applications submitted. The selection of the top candidates for interviewing must be based on the Job Description and specifications. New criteria cannot be introduced to assess the candidates at this stage as it would be unfair. It is the responsibility of the persons conducting the interviews to complete the short-listing and to ensure the process remains free of unlawful discrimination. If a committee is used, the entire committee should agree on the short list. If a committee is not used, it is desirable that a second person also participate in the short-listing process. The criteria used to select the top candidates and all appropriate notes must be returned to Human Resources and Employee Development for filing and are retained for a period of 6 months. It is good practice that all employees that apply for a position within their department be interviewed. Former employees who have been dismissed for misconduct cannot be considered for appointment. Former employees who have since retired must meet certain qualifications due to their retirement status. If there is a question about whether an applicant can or cannot be considered contact Human Resources and Employee Development. Arranging the Interview The persons responsible for the interviews is responsible for scheduling dates and times for interviews directly with the short listed candidates and notifying the candidates of any selection tests that will be used. Federal law prohibits certain questions in an employment interview and the application for employment has been developed to comply with Federal guidelines. Examples of such illegal questions might refer to the applicants age, disability, religion, ages of children, etc. Interviewing guidelines are provided to the employing department upon referral of applications. To assure consistent treatment of each applicant, a patterned interview might be developed by the department. Such might include specific questions of job related functions, skills required, and how the applicants educational background, previous experience, etc. might be useful in the position if selected for employment. The Interview The purpose of interviewing is to appoint the best person for the job based solely on merit and suitability. The Valdosta State University recruitment and selection process achieves this using methods that are systematic, thorough, fair, unbiased and based on rational, objective, job related criteria. At the interview, each candidate should be treated consistently. To achieve this the panel should: Ask the same initial questions of each candidate Supplement their understanding of the candidates responses by following up questions as appropriate Be consistent in allowing access to presentation material, notes and so on Not allow any discriminatory questions, harassment, or any other conduct which breaches the equal opportunities policy or code of conduct Ensure that in the case of disabled candidates, the necessity for any reasonable adjustments that would be required on the job are explored in a positive manner. Assessment of disabled candidates should be based on their expected performance in the job, given that any reasonable adjustment required was provided. Keep in mind that information obtained throughout the selection process is treated as confidential and is known only to parties involved in the selection process Keep records of interviews and the reasons for decisions each question should receive a grade, and a grade for overall impression. The candidates will be ranked from highest to lowest based on the scores given and the position negotiated or offered to the highest ranking candidate. The scoring sheets and all documentation of the interviews must be given to Human Resources and Employee Development for filing Panel members must be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure recruitment/interview documentation is stored securely and confidentially whilst in their possession. Selection Tests Where selection tests are a valid method of assessing a candidate (i.e. effectively measures the job criteria, is relevant, reliable, fair and unbiased also considering the predictive capacities of tests), they are an extremely useful tool and are recommended for use. Supervisors should seek advice from Human Resources and Employee Development on the use of such tests. Hiring Decision In selecting the successful candidate, the panel must make a decision based on the merit and eligibility of the candidates as judged by: Content of application and qualifications Performance at Interview Outcome of any selection tests Reference Checks As part of assessing the merit of each candidate, persons selecting candidates must satisfy themselves that the information the candidate gives is authentic, consistent and honest. This includes being satisfied about information regarding the candidates: application work history qualifications (where a qualification is a requirement, supporting evidence or certification must be obtained from the candidate and recorded) evidence presented at interview Reference checks; references must be called and information recorded for the file a) Identify yourself immediately, explain your position within the organization and tell the person why you are calling about the applicant. b) Ensure confidentiality c) Ask if he or she is free to discuss the situation d) Try to establish rapport e) Tell the person the position the candidate is being considered for f) Let the person talk feely g) Ask the references the same questions for each of your candidates h) Always end the call with: would you rehire this person? Should any of these not meet the required standards, Human Resources and Employee Development must discuss the issue with the Supervisor/Director. Use the Employment Reference Check and Education Verification form located in Appendix 10 and Appendix 11. Criminal Background Checks. In an effort to provide a safe and secure workplace, to comply with Board of Regents Policy and to minimize the potential litigation associated with negligent hiring processes, Valdosta State University will require background checks on the top two candidates for the position. Employment shall be conditioned upon the execution of a consent form for criminal record disclosure and upon consideration of ones criminal history. The Valdosta State University Police Department, upon receipt of the Consent to Criminal History Release Form, shall conduct the background check and report results to the Department of Human Resources. The department will notify the applicants whose criminal history report prevents their employment. The applicant can be referred to Human Resources and Employee Development if they have questions on the process The applicant is allowed seven calendar days to initiate corrective action of any inaccurate report. Proof of an error in reporting shall not disqualify the applicant and the position will not be filled until this time period has expired. If no action is initiated, and if the report is factual, the hiring department may resume the employment process. P-10: Evaluate the role of motivation, remuneration and training in enhancing sales performance. Role of Motivation in sales performance. Whether you are a sales person or someone in a position who manages sales people, you need to know the importance of motivation. Although many it would be great to just hire self motivated people who dont need any help from you to take action and make sales, you need to realize that sales is a tough job and that there are people who can really become great at it with some encouragement. Being in sales can either pay you very well or can make you go broke. The better you are at sales, the more money you will make. So where does motivation come into play? Well, the main reason that most people dont like sales is because of having to deal with rejection. No one likes to be rejected but if youre in a sale, thats all part of the game. The more rejections you get, the closer to a sale you will be. Now just because you expect your sales people or yourself to go out there and make those sales calls like a machine, it doesnt mean motivation should be neglected. If you are a sales person, take the time to read and listen to motivation material. By doing this, you will constantly be feeding your mind with positive and encouraging thoughts that will help you get through those days where everyone prospect seems to be in a bad mood. For sales managers, providing your team with motivation is critical. Just look in the world of sports. Those athletes are the best in the world at what they do yet when they are losing and feeling discouraged, a simple pep talk from their coach can fire them up to the point to turn the game around. This same thing can be used on your sales people to help them see more of themselves instead of beating themselves up mentality for not making as many sales. Motivation is important because it causes people to take action. Without action, nothing happens. The key to achieve any goal is to take action. The more action you take, the closer to your goals you will be. In order to continually take action, you will need to come up with ways to motivate yourself to do what you need to do everyday in order to reach those goals. So whether you need to motivate yourself or your team, motivation plays an extremely important role in building success. Source (Wikipedia) Role of Remuneration in Sales Performance Remuneration is wages or salary, typically money that is paid for services rendered as an employee. How do you decide what remuneration packages to adopt? How do you ensure that your Remuneration packages incentives and motivate the right people? How do you make sure that the amount of pay helps your staff with their lifestyle requirements? These questions are vital ones to anybody trying to run a sales team or customer service team, when you have a look at how you can actually reward personal effort as well as maintain service. In looking at any remuneration package, its worthwhile to consider a set of scales. In any job description, there is an opportunity to analyze the work required into service aspects whereby these things have to be done to maintain the client, or maintain the client relationship, such as receiving orders, implementing orders, handling queries, general items of customer service, and also perhaps even merchandising or helping with displays, as well as ensuring that stock levels are adequate, these can be called service areas or service responsibilities. On the other hand, a sales person or customer service representative could influence the  value of the sale through their personal sales skills, personality, and training, to either make the sale happen, add value to the sale, or sell some specific items that are on special or on bonus, at the point of communication, either by phone, by web, or face-to-face. This particular activity is known as personal contribution. A relatively easy formula to follow is by adopting the scales of remuneration, you can then analyze the input from the people involved. If there is high service requirements and service levels in the performance of the job, and little opportunity to add personal influence, then a wages or base salary system will be the most cost efficient to make the results work. If there is a high personal input, whereby the sales person can strongly influence the amount of the sale or the profitability of the sale, then you can reward that personal effort by special commissions, sha re of profits, special incentives, and special rewards, for the sales as they occur after the event, and lessen the base salary or wages that need to be paid by increasing the risk factor, which of course the personal touch will overcome. Role of Training in Sales Performance The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or polytechnics). In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession, observers of the labor-market recognize today [update] the need to continue training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. People within many professions and occupations may refer to this sort of training as professional development. Source (Wikipedia) P-11: Describe two techniques used to co-ordinate and control sales output. Sales out put control Outputs can be triggered manually or automatically in the sales document. Automatic determination requires maintenance of output condition record. Print programs and layout sets control content which Should be displayed in the output. controls output determination using condition   Technique. Output determination procedure is determined on the basis of sales document type (sales order type, delivery type, billing type). Standard output determination procedure for sales order (OR), Delivery (LF) and Billing (F2) is V100000. Output procedure contains output types, which can be processed when that sales document is created. One document can have Output types like Delivery note and Packing list in delivery. Output controls Medium (Like Print, Fax, EDI) Time of sending the output -e.g. immediately or in a batch Which partner function of Business partner it can be sent Language Criteria for which output condition record can be maintained for automatic output determination It offers flexibility of changing the key controls in the Sales documents. Example If order confirmation for a customer is scheduled to be printed in a batch but the customer wants it immediately then time of dispatch control can be changed in the sales order. P-12: Use given information to recommend appropriate organization structures and procedures. Team One of the newest organizational structures developed in the 20th century is team. In small businesses, the team structure can define the entire organization. Teams can be both horizontal and vertical. While an organization is constituted as a set of people who synergize individual competencies to achieve newer dimensions, the quality of organizational structure revolves around the competencies of teams in totality. For example, every one of the Whole Foods Market stores, the largest natural-foods grocer in the US developing a focused strategy, is an autonomous profit centre composed of an average of 10 self-managed teams, while team leaders in each store and each region are also a team. Larger bureaucratic organizations can benefit from the flexibility of teams as well. Functional structure Employees within the functional divisions of an organization tend to perform a specialized set of tasks, for instance the engineering department would be staffed only with software engineers. This leads to operational efficiencies within that group. However it could also lead to a lack of communication between the functional groups within an organization, making the organization slow and inflexible. As a whole, a functional organization is best suited as a producer of standardized goods and services at large volume and low cost. Coordination and specialization of tasks are centralized in a functional structure, which makes producing a limited amount of products or services efficient and predictable. Moreover, efficiencies can further be realized as functional organizations integrate their activities vertically so that products are sold and distributed quickly and at low cost .For instance, a small business could start making the components it requires for production of its products instead of procuring it from an external organization. But not only beneficial for organization but also for employees faiths. P-13: Identify and give three examples of the differences in the nature of sales tasks and skills in a variety of context. Sales Skills Effective communication Ability to listen Ask revelent questions Problem solver Well-organized Self starter and self finisher Positive self image. Well mannered and courteous Naturally Persuasive Person of Integrity Sales Task Specified amount of sales that a management sets for achieving or exceeding within a specified timeframe, and allocates required resources. Sales targets are apportioned among different sales-units such as salespersons, franchisees, distributors, agents, etc. Three Types of Sales Task Personal Sales Task A salesman of Jazz has to sell 100 connections/Sims per week Team Sales Task Peshawar region has to sellout 2000 connections in a month Organizational Sales Task Ufone has to cover 5 cities per year. P-14: Explain the role of sales staff operating in an international environment. International sales staff have very important role in an organization. To improve firms image To improve brand image Bring International talent to domestic market Bring new Ideas and knowledge Create good relationship between nations To integrate the different cultures Brining International harmony while working with different people of the world Bringing new skills and talents With all above international sales staff is the sign of Globalization. P-15: Explain the purpose of trade fairs and evaluate their contributions. Trade fair A trade fair (trade show or expo) is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. In contrast to consumer fairs, only some trade fairs are open to the public, while others can only be attended by company representatives (members of the trade, e.g. professionals) and members of the press, therefore trade shows are classified as either Public or Trade Only. Purpose of Trade Fairs Generating sales leads Generating actual sales at the show Enhancing your image and visibility Reaching a specific audience Establishing a presence in the marketplace Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing efforts Personally meeting your customers, competitors and suppliers Prospecting for new customers Introducing new products and services Demonstrating your product in ways not possible using other marketing channels Recruiting distributors or dealers Educating your target audience. Contribution of trade fairs to Firms Establish meaningful goals, masterfully plan your strategy, and measure your return on investment. Implement powerful marketing initiatives before, during, and after the event that engage potential buyers and generate sales. Choose the best exhibit display booth that meets your marketing needs and budgetary requirements. This includes evaluating different sizes, designs, and configurations of trade show displays. Identify the most effective graphic elements for your exhibit that portray your key messages and fulfill your brand communications needs. This includes establishing design parameters for banners, custom exhibition stands, brochures, and other materials. Learn about unique and appealing booth ideas that create buzz on the exhibition floor and attract visitors to your trade show display area. Effectively use exhibit accessories, signage and lighting techniques to heighten visibility. This includes selecting quality booth materials, high-impact portable display boards and booth fixtures that support your brand positioning. Select cost-effective giveaways and promotional products that have high-perceived value among your target prospects and complement your company image. Ensure team members who are staffing your booth project a professional appearance and are well-trained to represent your company, generate leads, and secure sales. source: (Businessdictionary) M-4: Evaluate the recruitment and selection procedure of the selected organization. Recruitment at Ufone Before recruiting a new employee, management checks whether there is a need to hire a new employee for that particular job or whether it can be incorporated into an existing employees job. Recruitment in Ufone may be of internal or external nature. Internal Recruitment In the case of internal recruitment people from within the organization are promoted to fill the vacant vacancy. The HR department and the relevant department in which the vacancy exists, analyze whether there an employee within the organization exists, who most appropriately meets the requirements of the particular vacancy. If more then one employee is eligible for the vacancy; then that employee is chosen who has the most outstanding record. After the promotion the employee may be sent for further training. The effect of internal vacancy is that it motivates the employee to perform their best and produce maximum output. It also creates a healthy competition amongst the employees. The hiring from within may have a trickle down effect i.e. the opportunities spring not just from the first vacancy but from the vacancy created when a person in the company fills that vacancy. External Recruitment If the organization feels that none of their current employees can fill out the new vacancy then they hire from external sources. In this case the human resource management considers other departments in the organization that might be interested in the appointment in order to make it a joint effort. They talk to relevant supervisors and especially to the people the new person will work with. A set of expert panelists is then selected from each relevant department to interview applicants Direct Applicants Ufone maintains a data base system i.e. HRMS (Human resource management system) for its internal employees as well as the employees which they will recruit in near future. In some case certain some people just drop their CVs at the head office. And whenever there is an opening or a vacancy occurs, the organization may call them for an interview. Referrals By advertising a post internally Ufone gains an added benefit, which is; the current employees may pass the information on to any interested friends and relations. Word of mouth is also a valuable recruitment method for them and they draw on all appropriate contacts they have Advertisements Since most of the posts are of a specialist nature, they intend on advertising in the journals of professional bodies and the trade press. Their next step is to find out how much adverts cost for varying amount of space and decide what they can afford. The HR management has hired the services of Interflow, an advertising agency, to propagate their service and company for them. They are also using the services of a web designer, Eveready media, to post the advertisement of the company on the Internet. Private Employment Agency The private Recruiting agencies collect information from unemployed as well as employed people about their skills and experiences. These agencies attempt to find some one suitable using its computerized inventory database of suitable individuals. These agencies charge Ufone for the referrals. Through Vendors (Outsourcing) Ufone also do outsourcing for the purpose of recruitment they hire firm, which will provide employee Ufone to work in the organization, but the employee will remain employee of that firm not Ufone, and this is the most common method followed by most of organization these days. Lower management at Ufone is comes through outsourcing. Electronic Recruiting The growth of information superhighway has opened up new vistas for organizations trying to recruit talent. Ufone is make full fledge use of this new technology, and it uses its own web page to advertise for new job openings. Another aspect of the electronic recruiting is that individuals dont have to physically go to the head office to drop their CVs. They now can simply use the e-CV format provided by Ufone on its home page. The e-CV is then transferred to the relevant database or the HR department. Recruitment Procedure The HR management decides on the length of the short-list, which includes five or six people at the most. Following the advert they need help to sift through the applications. Everything is computerized and on-line which makes it easier to handle large numbers of replies. In case they run short of time, they get the help of other staff, supervisors and managers in the organization. Apart from the question of time, they do this to get second opinions. They look out for the following when reading an application: How well-matched is the candidate to the requirements Any unexplained employment gaps The quality of presentation How tailored the reply is to the particular job and Ufone as an organization. Replying To Candidates The candidates that do not match the job are contacted as quickly as possible and dealt with courteously since the HR management believes in the philosophy that these people, and their relatives and friends, may be future customers or acquaintances of potential, future applicants. Those that match the job are called over to undertake an on-line evaluation test. Scheduling Interview The candidates that pass the on-line evaluation test are then called for interviews. A date and a time are arranged and the candidate appears for the interview. The questions of this interview are designed especially for gauging the personality and ability of the candidate. Screening Process The results are screened by a set of panelists in order to minimize chances of error in selecting the candidates. The HR management sometimes keeps a small number of candidates in reserve. M-5 : Highlight the motivating factors being used by the selected organization also determine the remuneration and training programs used by the organization for enhancing sales performance. Training at Ufone Training Development involves improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of the individuals. A continuous training is conducted inside Ufone to improve the performance of the employee. There are two types of trainings conducted at Ufone: In-house Training External Training In-house training is customized training which is only for Ufone employees. External training is carried out through trainers in training institutes. Employees at Ufone are usually trained through Rameez Allahwalla (in  Karachi), Possibilities and Intec (two well-known training institutes). Before training Training Need Analysis (TNA) is conducted by the manager  of the department. And after the training feedback from the employee is  taken. Motivating Factors at Ufone A very effective way to retain an employee is to give him compensation Benefits and Motivating factors at Ufone which is mentioned below: Medical Facility to employee and his/her parents Paid Vacations Food Allowance Trips Promotion on Performance Remuneration at Ufone There are about 150 employees who are working in the Ufone Head Office and 1500 employees serving nationwide. All of them are very devoted as they are given a wonderful learning environment to work, pay offered to them is also very attractive and ample chance of progress motivates them to work more. The job analysis is done on targets assigned and daily routines. The employees are indeed very satisfied and motivated. Ufone is basically equal employment opportunity organization. Almost 70% of its employees are male and 30% are female. The job description of each and every employee is predefined. Performance appraisal is done on annual basis. Average age of Ufone employee is 32 years. This shows that they prefer young and energetic people for their middle and lower level management. High profile well experienced persons are considered for top level management. Average Salary is 12000 for a Ufone employee. Salaries are increased as the federal government of Pakistan announced the percentage. M-7: Compare the sales tasks and skills being used by the two selected organization. Ufone Sales Task Skills: Successful companies have long known that a well-trained, highly motivated and efficiently connected field force is critical to their continued growth and success. Ufone realized that to stay ahead of the competition, they must replace traditional paper based systems with mobile solutions that enable access to key information directly from the field. Today, Ufones sales team is armed with Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO hand-held with GPRS and a software application built on the Microsoft CE Framework; the team retrieves data from the companys accounting stock system through an Oracle database and uploads new data in the same manner. Known internally as U SFA (Ufone Sales Force Automation), this application allows sales staff to create orders, add details, fill in electronic outlet cards,